To Serve Webs

Yes, it’s another server move–and now I’m finally back on Linux (yaaay!) and the site is again built with PHP (double-yaaay!!!). Guess what? That means more new features (see the pretty pictures on each entry? Categories, man!) and no more of the Windows Server “I’ll deliver your web page when I feel like it and not a second before” attitude!

I’ve also helped my wife, Joanne Burch-Killian, set up the same blog on her website. Check it out!

So, what have I been up to?

Just a brief update of Things Going On In My Life:

I’m married to a wonderful woman, the woman of my dreams, she who lights up my day and warms up my night, Joanne Burch-Killian;
She and I are partners of;
We’re also the creators and sponsors of;
We now have six children all total, Joanne’s four and my two;
I’m having to come to terms with suddenly being a grandfather since three of her children have children as well;
This sudden burst in the number of relatives I have means I have even more work to do on my genealogy (hopefully it’ll get posted here someday);
I still need sleep.

We recently visited her children in Michigan. Her youngest son, Sean, is attending college and is now engaged to a wonderful girl named Morgan. We spent Sean’s birthday with them, and we also visited her son Miguel, with his daughters and his new baby boy. Aleena didn’t want to leave! We also visited her son Jonathan and his son Chase. Our two families have merged together wonderfully.

We’re back in NC now and Aleena’s already asking when we can go back. Hopefully it won’t be snowing then!

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