I’m walkin’, yes indeed…

I will be participating in the 2003 CROP Walk in Lincolnton on October 19. Click here if you’d like to make an online donation.

The CROP (Communities Reaching Out to People) Walk is a 10-km walk to raise money to fight hunger and for disaster relief. 25% of the money raised goes directly to local communities. Only about 8% is lost to administrative overhead and 10% to fundraising expenses.

Glutton for punishment

Well, I’m doing it again! I’m throwing my hat into the ring for another bid for Lincoln County Commissioner. Note the addition of the Donate button on the left. All donations will be appreciated, but the law is I have to collect full contact information–including Occupation and Employer–for anyone who donates more than $100 in an election cycle, so please provide that information if you end up donating more than that amount. I may also stop accepting donations if I reach $3,000.

None of this is officially official until the filing next February, but I’m going to go ahead and start campaigning now, even though I have no idea who else will be running (apart from my friend and partner, Richard Hicks, who’s also making another go for it).