To show how wonderful our government is at protecting us, I have provided this public service page to explain the instructions our government has given us for surviving a terrorist attack.
Monthly Archives: February 2003
These boots are made for walkin’…
I will be participating in the MS walk here in Lincoln County in April. This is a fundraising event for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, which is dedicated to ending the suffering caused by this disease. I’m the team captain for the Lincoln County Libertarian Party, and I really hope we make a good showing.
This event will be at the Lincoln County Senior Center in Lincolnton, NC. If you’re in the area, I’d love to have you as a member of our team! Just click this link to sign up for the MS Walk and join us on Saturday, April 12, 2003 at 9:00 am! If you can’t join us but want topledge to my walk, you can do so by clicking here. Every dollar you donate will go to the NMSS to help combat the devastating effects of multiple sclerosis.
One question I’m getting asked is, "Why are you doing this? Do you know someone with MS?" No, I don’t. That answer puzzles some people, but I say a truly compassionate individual is one who’s willing to put his time and money into helping others. Most politicians, and the people who support them, are quite willing to take someone else’s money by force (in the form of taxation) in order to research diseases, feed the poor, or what have you. But where is the compassion in force? Where is the charity in spending someone else’s money? If you choose to participate, or to pledge, that’s wonderful; but I don’t have any right to pick your pocket even if I do donate the money to a good cause.