Lately I’ve been inundated with emails, MySpace bulletins, etc., from Democrats calling for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney, because of their wholesale infringement of even our most basic liberties.
Here’s what gets me: where were these people back when all this was started? What were they doing?
They were going along with it. The Democrats voted for the USA PATRIOT ACT without even reading it;
now they’re all horrified about it. The Democrats voted for the
authorization for the Iraq war when there was plenty of evidence it was
all a fraud; now they’re all horrified that they were “lied to.” The
Democrats voted for the military tribunals, and now they’re all
horrified about the treatment of prisoners. The Democrats voted for the
Military Commissions Act and the suspension of habeas corpus, and now
they’re all horrified at the loss of our rights.
They voted for it. They supported it. Now, years later, they’re against it and calling for impeachment.
Why now? Why
did they wait all this time to turn against it all and call for the
impeachment of Bush and Cheney? Why didn’t they do it back then, when it actually could have done some good?
Because now, the impeachment of Bush and Cheney and their removal from office would mean that a Democrat, Nancy Pelosi, would
become President. That’s the only reason. They don’t care about your rights; they only care about power.
Stop being conned. Support Ron Paul and your local Libertarian candidates. That’s the only way out of this mess.
You are absolutely correct: they support impeachment because they are Republicans, not because they committed acts that are worthy of impeachment (which I’m sure they did commit).
I intend to vote for Ron Paul or no one. Taxes are theft. The government are thieves. There’s not much else to say.
Yay for firing the demopublicans. For me that includes Ron Paul, with his fearful call for sealed borders and his loathing of peaceful honest productive immigrants who have better things to do with their lives than keep up with reams of visa paperwork and other police-state ID requirements.
Also, USA Today recently reported Ron supports forcing you to pay for handouts for shrimp farming and trolley operations. Apparently “Dr. No” says yes yes yes if the pork for his own district.
I’m proud that I’ve called for Dubya’s ouster ever since his October 2001 re-initiation of force against Afghanistan, when I marched with a sign saying “Impeach the Mad Bomber In Chief.” It was the same sign I used when Clinton Pearl-Harbored that country in 1998.
Ron Paul’s earmarks are added on behalf of his constituents… If you’re going to pay federal taxes you should get at least something back, or so is the reasoning.
However, Ron Paul then votes against those bills… that is my understanding. If the rest of the House is going to vote for the bill then it’s not his fault they didn’t read it. That doesn’t justify earmarks, but when everyone is trying to grab a bigger piece of the pie and thus results in you having to pay more and more for the ingredients you’re liable to want to a slice.
I disagree with Paul on immigration, but I believe his fear is based on (the misguided) notion that people come to to suckle from the welfare teat of Uncle Sam.
Oh, and Hillary Clinton calls the Iraq war “Bush’s War”… but she herself voting for the blank check and spoke in favor of the war!
I’m kind of ambivalent about Paul’s earmarks. I understand why he does it: he doesn’t want the wealth sucked out of his district to other parts of the country. It’s an imperfect solution to an imperfect situation. I understand the predicament he’s in. All the same, I don’t think it’s what I would do. And yes, he does vote against them.
As for immigration, in one of the debates Paul said our economic policy makes immigrants the scapegoats, and if it weren’t for bad economic policy there’d be no need to worry about illegal immigrants. Again, I disagree in that it’s not the immigrants’ fault the policy is the way it is, and they have just as much right to come here as our forefathers did.
We all know about the war crimes our current administration has been committing, most recently with “waterboarding,” which, despite their Orwellian description of it as an “enhanced interrogation technique,” is torture, and has b